All of reality has Jesus Christ as its beginning, in its center, and as its ultimate goal.
Indeed, all things were created through him and for Him and in Him all things hold together.
As such, the Christian faith is not grounded in a philosophy or a set of abstract beliefs. The Christian faith is grounded in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the Gospel, the Good News, is not good doctrine or good advice. The Gospel is Good News, news of something actual, in history, by which all of reality is different; of God’s reconciling the world in Jesus Christ, demonstrated in Jesus’ death and resurrection, securing eternal salvation for all who would believe.
Our church’s “beliefs”, therefore, are far more than merely beliefs: they are an announcement, and a confession, to humbly and faithfully declare what is revealed, affirmed, demonstrated, secured, commanded, and promised by the Lord Jesus.
Any further questions concerning our beliefs can be sent via email to